Sunday 3 August 2014

We are naming our Monday posts as "Monday Medley. Yes, this will be a potpourri of interesting articles, posts from fellow bloggers which we liked, interesting images of fellow travellers or images from our own portfolio. We hope it will be a good start to the week. 

This was  an interesting post we came across few weeks back. 

We had trekked to "Valley of Flowers" two years back. The back breaking trek to Ghangaria for 12 hours was a fascinating experience. We walked along Laxman Ganga river all the way from Govindghat to Ghangaria. On the way we crossed a small village named Niti on the banks of the river. We remember stopping for few minutes to drink a cup of tea. We never knew there was an interesting story attached to this village. 

It was only when we saw the post by Girija that we came to know about the fascinating legend of Pandavas attached to this village. We are not sure how this has come about. No one does. 

A quintessential traveller, Girija meets a group of Niti villagers on her way to Ghangaria - incidentally she trekked to Valley of flowers few weeks before us - and she is surprised at the Pandava legend linked to this obscure a village in the himalayas. She chats with them to know more about it. What comes out is the interesting linkage between the Pandavas and Niti. We enjoyed reading it.

Now it is your turn to take a look at it and read. Please click on the link below to read Girija's story in her blog.....

People from Niti village - Descendants of Pandavas

Postscript - The village was washed out in last year's flood. No one died as all villagers were evacuated in time. Since then it has been rebuilt and the legend continues.

Here is our trek experience to Valley of Flowers - A Paradise on earth. Please click on the link below.

Paradise on Earth - Trek from Ghangaria to Valley of Flowers

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