Friday 6 June 2014

A raised high ground.

Surrounded by rich green corn fields.

The golden turrets of the monastery glowing in the afternoon sun.

Overcast sky.

The contrast was striking!

The setting looked almost the one you see in Ladakh.

Clouds in place of snow clad mountains and corn fields replacing barley fields.

The Monastery was magnificent.

But this was closer home. In Bylakuppe. In Karnataka which has the largest Tibetan settlement. We have been to this place many times. The drive from highway to golden temple is always a lovely sight. Especially in the months of August - September when the vast fields of corn stalks standing shoulder high on the undulating terrain. Miles and miles of it. All due to hard work by the Tibetans.

We stopped on the road when we noticed this. It looked as if we were in Ladakh. But closer home!

(Please click on the photo to get larger view)

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