Friday, 3 January 2014

Nathu La is at 14,140 feet on India - China border. Imagine someone staying at this height and guarding our borders so that we are safe in our cities?

Travelling in Himalayas at altitudes above 10,000 feet is a difficult task. The rarefied atmosphere, the cold, the wind chill makes it a very tough task indeed.

Having served in the Indian Army, i know how tough it is to be there. The fact that our soldiers does this job cheerfully is an example of amazing spirit and character.

We had the fine experience of it when we visited Nathu La, the highest pass in the Eastern Sector on India - China border. The wind chill was numbing though the sky was clear. The sunshine was blinding. There was snow all around.

Bunkers atop rocky cliff
The road ends @ Nathu La. Notice the snow.
National Emblem of India @ Nathu La. Notice the snow all around.
We clicked these bunkers manned by soldiers 24/7@ Nathu La during our visit there last week.

Hats off to these sentinels of our borders and may their tribe increase!

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