Tuesday 21 January 2014

Who hasn't heard of Great Indian Bustard? 

The bird which was pipped by colourful Peacock to be anointed as India's National bird. Today, the bird on the verge of extinction and the Indian government is trying to ensure that it continue to grow.

We are not avid birders but love to see our winged friends in the wild whenever we get a chance!

We were reading an article in Deccan Herald yesterday on the conservation of Great Indian Bustard (GIB) in Nannaj sanctuary near Solapur in Maharashtra. This lovely grassland sanctuary is spread over 1222 sq KMs. We had read about the GIB sanctuary in Karera in Madhya Pradesh but not Nannaj which is closer home (Pardon our ignorance). 

We wanted to share the information with you. 

If you are passing by Solapur any time, spend an hour to see these lovely birds. Shy as they are, you never know you may be lucky to spot them! If you can spot them, don't worry.  There are many other birds in the sanctuary to make up for them.

You can also visit Hipparga lake nearby which is known for Flamingos during season.

Getting there

  • Nannaj is 20 KMs from Solapur which is well connected by Train and Bus to other parts of the country. The nearest airport is Pune.
  • Entry permits to the sanctuary can be obtained from forest office in Nannaj.

Stay Options

Best stay options are in Solapur town. However, the sanctuary has a Forest guest house which can be booked through forest authorities in Solapur.

Also look at this related post on our experience in Bandipur National park.

Bandipur - Tale of a big cat!

Here is a nice documentary on the sanctuary done in Marathi. Never mind if you don't understand, enjoy the lovely images!

Great Indian Bustard - A documentary

A nice account of birding trip to the place. Please click here

On the Great Indian Bustard trail in GIB Sanctuary, Nannaj

Photo Courtesy - Manjula Mathur

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